Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Kanye Speaks Out About His Display At Th Grammys

Being the aspiring publicist that I am, I like to keep up to date with the happenings of pop culture and what the members of the entertainment industry are up to. As such, I frequently take to MadameNoire for a lot of my updates in popular culture. This particular site focuses on an African American audience who is also interested in staying up to date with the latest celebrity happenings.

The particular story that I chose to focus on is entitle “Kanye Defends Himself, Says He’s Working With Taylor Swift”. In the article the journalist gives a brief background on the incident that occurred at this past weekend’s Grammy Awards as well as quotes the statement that West made after the show in regards to Beck being awards “Album Of The Year”.  After his comment, West went on to do a radio interview with Ryan Secrest to defend himself and clarify what he meant by his comment. 

In this piece, the author includes his own introduction to the story, the Youtube video that gives the audio from the phone interview and a section at he bottom of the article that allows for readers to comment on the piece that they have just read.

The strength of the written article gives readers a sense of voice from the author. One can tell a lot about a writer’s point of view based on the words they choose to use in their articles. Although many readers do not seem to take note of he effect that a writers point of view can have on them, it is this very aspect that causes an emotional reaction from the audience. If a read decides that at the end, they disagree with the author, it inspires them to go out and publish a piece with a rebuttal, disputing what they have just come across. However if a reader decides that they agree with what they author says then they will repost it or share it to then help to spread the information.

The audio interview provided in the article gives readers who are not familiar with the story a chance to not only read a piece based off of someone else’s views, but to gather the facts and allows them the opportunity to then formulate their own opinion.

The last form of media used is audience interaction. The comments section at the bottom of the article not only allows for readers to comment on the article but to respond directly to one another based on what other’s thoughts and feelings are. Features like this can also inspire readers to share stories or created posts of their own.

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