Monday, March 23, 2015
Finding a Happy Medium With Podcast's
I choose to do this assignment on three very different podcast's.
The first was a result from the search term "meditation". I was expecting to find something more along the lines of maybe tips on meditating, or maybe even the benefits that meditation has. When I began to listen to the podcast it was actually just music, to be more specific a new age track. At first I was a little confused as to why someone would just upload a podcast of music, that was until I actually listened to the podcast. Although it was not a particularly long song it was very relaxing. In my opinion I can see why someone would search and or listen to this podcast. Meditation in my mind is about relaxing and getting outside of yourself, this podcast definitely seems as if it could help someone do that.
The second podcast was a result from the search term "woman and finances". Again this isn't a very long podcast and leans more towards motivational than actual finance advice. The podcast is narrated by a woman named Mariusa Reyes and I believe the "advice" that she is giving is pretty basic and can be applied to any gender. The only thing that makes this podcast specific to women is that is a woman speaking and the example that she gives you is related to women. Even though the podcast isn't totally pointless it could give more actual tips on financial information and not just a quick general motivational speech.
The last podcast I listened to was a result from the search term "creative writing". This particular podcast seems to have been produced from a radio show. The host is speaking to an actual published author by the name of Harry Bingham. This podcast was the longest of the three and actually my second favorite. I felt that speaking to someone who has actual experience with writing and being published made this podcast more educational and helpful than the other two podcast. The author gave very good advice and seemed to speak from a very genuine place. My only critique of this is, because of the fact that I get bored easily the length of the podcast was a little too long for my taste.
In all this experience with podcast was a positive one. I think that for me shorter podcast are definitely the way to go, being that I can't seem to focus on one for too long without getting bored. With that being said, I would still like to find ones that do have some substance to them. In the mean time, I may just revisit the meditation podcast in the future.
Ellen Degenres x 3
I chose to use Ellen Degeneres's podcast's for all 3 podcasts.
The Ellen Degenres Show Podcast "Drunk Shopping"
In this podcast Ellen talks about some stores like Nordstrom, Urban Outfitters and Brooks Brothers are starting a trend by putting bars in the middle of their stores. In a witty semi-sarcastic very "Ellen way" she talks about how it is a great idea to that and why did it take so long to happen she also gives examples of her "drunk shopping" experience. I love watching Ellen's show whenever I get a chance so when I saw she also has podcasts she was my immediate first choice. I think this podcast is very entertaining Ellen is hilarious and definitely knows how to connect to her audience. I already subscribed to her podcasts and can't wait to listen to them all!
The Ellen Degeneres Show Podcast (audio) " Parking Lot Etiquette 101"
This podcast of Ellen's is so funny she gives her rules on how parking should and should not be done at malls. I love that she starts of by saying how she drove by a few malls and noticed that people need reminders on parking and she says "You know who you are you're then ones who side door looks like it made love to a shopping cart, so it is my public duty to set some parking rules for the holiday season!" Ellen then goes on to give some rules that will make anyone laugh. Like I said before I will continue to listen to Ellen's podcasts very comedic and entertaining!
The Ellen Show Podcast (audio) "Ellen Learns Some Spanish"
In this podcast Ellen talks about that she has a bucket list and one of the things on her list is to learn to speak spanish. She jokes about how 47 million people speak spanish and how 46 million of them live in Los Angeles. She says that she's tried to learn spanish in many ways like taking classes, traveled to Mexico, tried Rosetta Stone, the Pimsleur and jokingly says "Jose Cuervo" Which for those may not know is a brand known for tequila. I found it hilarious when she said that with Jose Cuervo you learn some spanish but when you wake in th morning you don't remember any of it. She goes on to talk about her experience with Rosetta Stone and what she has been told is the best way to learn which is to constantly talk to someone that speaks fluently to practice. She then has a guest who teaches her some spanish on the show.
All of Ellen's podcasts' are similar in the fact that her charm and whit exudes through all! As I said before I will continue to keep up with her podcasts as I already subscribed on ITunes. I also love that they are not so long. I did try to listen to a few other podcasts by others but after the couple of minutes my mind wandered so that is why I decided to stick with Ellen for all three of mine.
The Ellen Degenres Show Podcast "Drunk Shopping"
In this podcast Ellen talks about some stores like Nordstrom, Urban Outfitters and Brooks Brothers are starting a trend by putting bars in the middle of their stores. In a witty semi-sarcastic very "Ellen way" she talks about how it is a great idea to that and why did it take so long to happen she also gives examples of her "drunk shopping" experience. I love watching Ellen's show whenever I get a chance so when I saw she also has podcasts she was my immediate first choice. I think this podcast is very entertaining Ellen is hilarious and definitely knows how to connect to her audience. I already subscribed to her podcasts and can't wait to listen to them all!
The Ellen Degeneres Show Podcast (audio) " Parking Lot Etiquette 101"
This podcast of Ellen's is so funny she gives her rules on how parking should and should not be done at malls. I love that she starts of by saying how she drove by a few malls and noticed that people need reminders on parking and she says "You know who you are you're then ones who side door looks like it made love to a shopping cart, so it is my public duty to set some parking rules for the holiday season!" Ellen then goes on to give some rules that will make anyone laugh. Like I said before I will continue to listen to Ellen's podcasts very comedic and entertaining!
The Ellen Show Podcast (audio) "Ellen Learns Some Spanish"
In this podcast Ellen talks about that she has a bucket list and one of the things on her list is to learn to speak spanish. She jokes about how 47 million people speak spanish and how 46 million of them live in Los Angeles. She says that she's tried to learn spanish in many ways like taking classes, traveled to Mexico, tried Rosetta Stone, the Pimsleur and jokingly says "Jose Cuervo" Which for those may not know is a brand known for tequila. I found it hilarious when she said that with Jose Cuervo you learn some spanish but when you wake in th morning you don't remember any of it. She goes on to talk about her experience with Rosetta Stone and what she has been told is the best way to learn which is to constantly talk to someone that speaks fluently to practice. She then has a guest who teaches her some spanish on the show.
All of Ellen's podcasts' are similar in the fact that her charm and whit exudes through all! As I said before I will continue to keep up with her podcasts as I already subscribed on ITunes. I also love that they are not so long. I did try to listen to a few other podcasts by others but after the couple of minutes my mind wandered so that is why I decided to stick with Ellen for all three of mine.
Cooking, Prank Calls & Photography
Start Cooking
The first podcast that I watched was a cooking podcast and it was a short video on how to make shrimp scampi. I chose this podcast because I’m interested in cooking and shrimp scampi is something that I don’t know how to make. I think this video was well-made in the sense that it was very direct with the directions and the ingredients. At the end, all of the ingredients are listed and shown which I thought was super helpful. I didn’t really like the way that the video was filmed, I thought the camera was a little blurry and there were too many cuts. However, I would definitely watch this again because it was a very short and clear way to learn how to make a nice dish.
Friday Night Cranks
This podcast was under the comedy category. Friday night cranks is something I’ve always thought was entertaining whether they were on TV, the internet, or the radio. They’re hilarious prank calls that people do in their basement and are recorded. The one that I chose to watch was a guy prank calling a Walmart and saying that he left his child inside in a picnic basket about 30 minutes before he called. He was passed along to several employees, most of which didn’t take him seriously, but by the end of the call he had the Walmart on a lockdown. It was entertaining but also a little dumb at the same time. This podcast wasn’t useful, but it was definitely entertaining and it’s something I would watch again.
The Art of Photography
This podcast was a photography podcast and the specific episode that I watched was called Photography: Truth vs Beauty. This podcast talked about how in photogaphy there is a line between what is beautiful and what is truthful. The man in the podcast talked about how photographers will edit their photos so that they’re visually appealing, but sometimes they are not a truthful depiction of what the photo was before it was edited. I thought that this podcast was unique and made a very true and interesting point. It was useful in the sense that if I were looking at edited photos for a news station or a tv show, it would be interesting to be able to tell if the photo is exactly how it was taken or if it were edited to give any type of effect to its’ viewer. At first I thought that this podcast may be boring, however there was a video to it which included visuals that boosted its entertainment value. I enjoy photography but don’t know too much about it so this podcast may definitely be one that I visit again.
PODCASTS Assignment
Freelance Waiter Operative
Ham is a posing as freelance waiter who brings his own food trying to get a job in a NYC restaurant.
1.) Podcast is an informal video, quality fair, music and audio decent. Not television broadcast quality but easily watchable.
Purpose was not to be useful but entertaining.
Very entertaining
I would definitely visit this podcast again. I
found it to be very funny and loved looking at the reactions of the unsuspected
Rachael Maddow is a political news/pundit/commentator who
has a 60 minute show covering up to date political issue and other interesting trending
items on MSNBC. Her position are usually leftist democratic.
Car that Drives Itself
1.) TRMS has 2 types of podcasts audio only and audio-visual both professionally prepared.
Yes the podcasts are useful and purposeful and
informative. In many cases, Rachael
gives background of the issues, interviews, and statics pertinent to the
I find her to be very entertaining as she not
only reports the story but adds her own flair of satirical blurbs, ironic
Yes I watch this podcast often and really enjoy
it. Love her delivery when covering a story. I also like that she interviews
form the actual White House, House of Representatives, etc. giving you the
feeling that she is right there when it happens.
MSNBC makes the podcasts extremely accessible
for anyone. Normally the podcast are an
iTune item, however, this The TRMS podcast is open to everyone (non Apple
Users too) and RSS subscriptions, with
help if needed. See below
On the go? Take The Rachel Maddow Show with you. Get TRMS automatically
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subscription page.
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the Video or Audio manual download link. Then on the new page that opens,
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The Rachel Maddow Show
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Pop Culture Happy Hour NPR Podcast
Covers trending pop culture stories
Covers trending pop culture stories
John Stewart leaving the “Daily Show.”
1.) Audio only. One host and guest very informal.
Feels like two friends talking. Very
Felt disconnected, like an outsider just
Not enjoyable, prefer visuals
Probably would not revisit podcast cast.
Sound quality was excellent.
Canines, mosquitos, and beauty
I am a huge animal lover, my dog is seriously my baby, so as crazy as it may sound, I am definitely considering pet health insurance. I have it for myself, why not get it for my dog? Vet visits are insanely expensive, I would know, I worked in a vet's office. So I liked the different points and ideas to consider that Dr. Nancy Kay brought up. She really had me thinking and definitely engaged as she talked; and I felt at ease knowing I could trust what she said given that she is a practiced veterinarian. I also liked that she touched on the ideas of second opinions, mainly because it is again something many people do when it comes to themselves, but rarely do it when it comes to their pets. It's just a well though out podcast that is good for beginner owners and advanced owners alike.
I absolutely love ted talks, and this one was just as well done as all the others I have seen. Again, this content may not appeal to everyone, but I think this biotech entrepreneur Hadyn Parry, still gives his information in a way that keeps me listening and entertained throughout his speech on the ever important mosquito epidemic. I think this is an issue that doesn't get much attention, but definitely should, and right from the very begging Parry was able to give startling statistics that really made me listen. Like the first podcast, Parry had a strong authority of voice the trade me trust what he had to say, and how he said it made it demanded to be listened to. Not only did he make us aware of a major problem in this world, but also had what seemed like a very viable solution to the problem; a solution that has been thought about at a different angle than previously attacked at. It was refreshing, hopeful, and made me want to think about this issue more and more. From a student perspective, it was very well filmed, voice was clear and not muffled or disturbed, and seamlessly edited.
Another one of my passions is definitely make up, I always like trying out new products and new techniques; I personally feel there is no limit on how much you can learn about make up. This vlogger/podcast in particular has a soft spot in my heart. I think the author Shonagh Scott really knows her stuff and the step by step videos are well edited and nicely voiced over. She almost always has proper lighting and used a high quality camera that focuses nicely. I do love that she lists all the products she used in the information bar down below so you can easily reference them at any time. And as well as being able to subscribe to her videos, she includes links to follow her on Facebook, twitter, instagram, and her very own website. This is very different from the first podcast, as there is a video to go along with this, unlike the first one which is just sound. That makes this more similar to the ted talk because there is video, but the content both appeal to very different people for very different reasons.
I am a huge animal lover, my dog is seriously my baby, so as crazy as it may sound, I am definitely considering pet health insurance. I have it for myself, why not get it for my dog? Vet visits are insanely expensive, I would know, I worked in a vet's office. So I liked the different points and ideas to consider that Dr. Nancy Kay brought up. She really had me thinking and definitely engaged as she talked; and I felt at ease knowing I could trust what she said given that she is a practiced veterinarian. I also liked that she touched on the ideas of second opinions, mainly because it is again something many people do when it comes to themselves, but rarely do it when it comes to their pets. It's just a well though out podcast that is good for beginner owners and advanced owners alike.
I absolutely love ted talks, and this one was just as well done as all the others I have seen. Again, this content may not appeal to everyone, but I think this biotech entrepreneur Hadyn Parry, still gives his information in a way that keeps me listening and entertained throughout his speech on the ever important mosquito epidemic. I think this is an issue that doesn't get much attention, but definitely should, and right from the very begging Parry was able to give startling statistics that really made me listen. Like the first podcast, Parry had a strong authority of voice the trade me trust what he had to say, and how he said it made it demanded to be listened to. Not only did he make us aware of a major problem in this world, but also had what seemed like a very viable solution to the problem; a solution that has been thought about at a different angle than previously attacked at. It was refreshing, hopeful, and made me want to think about this issue more and more. From a student perspective, it was very well filmed, voice was clear and not muffled or disturbed, and seamlessly edited.
Another one of my passions is definitely make up, I always like trying out new products and new techniques; I personally feel there is no limit on how much you can learn about make up. This vlogger/podcast in particular has a soft spot in my heart. I think the author Shonagh Scott really knows her stuff and the step by step videos are well edited and nicely voiced over. She almost always has proper lighting and used a high quality camera that focuses nicely. I do love that she lists all the products she used in the information bar down below so you can easily reference them at any time. And as well as being able to subscribe to her videos, she includes links to follow her on Facebook, twitter, instagram, and her very own website. This is very different from the first podcast, as there is a video to go along with this, unlike the first one which is just sound. That makes this more similar to the ted talk because there is video, but the content both appeal to very different people for very different reasons.
Ellen Degeneres show , U talkin' U2 to me?, the sporkful True crime investigation An office fridge theft
My1st podcast The Ellen DeGeneres show :The 90s Are Back. I chose Ellen because I love how she relates to her audience in her segments. I think she is very funny. In this particular segment she talk to her audiences about is how fast we go in to different styles and that we don't know whether to throw our clothes away or to keep them for when that decade comes back in to style. She talk about hammer pants coming in to style and clogs and how low rise jean never going out of style. I think this and all the Ellen podcast are very entertaining and I think it good for all ages and makes everyone laugh. I will definitely would listen to the Ellen podcast more often.
2nd podcast was The Sporkful : True Crime: Investigation An office fridge food theft
I chose this podcast because it seemed interesting and because I like investing shows so I figured I would enjoy it. This podcast talked about a fridge food theft and how she couldn't understand why they would only take Heather food from the fridge when there was so many interesting choices but she was always the target. So they had a investigation about this unusual scenario. So as the investigation went on they talk to a professional food thief and he came to a conclusion that it wasn't about the food it was about sex because the food theft would only eat half of her food. At the end of they this they figured out who the food theft was. I enjoyed this because it was suspenseful and interesting. I think student would enjoy the sporkful because it was silly and funny. I would definitely hear another one of these podcast.
the 3rd podcast :U talkin' U2 to me?:Holiday Special
I enjoyed this podcast because it was funny and they talk about random thing throughout they talk about films and music. the show so it was very enjoyable and hilarious. I believe that student would have a good laugh listening to Scott and Scott. I am glad I subscribe to this podcast.
Kevin Hart, Science, and Technology.
- Podcast Title: Kevin Hart, Meet the Comedian.
I chose this podcast because Kevin Hart is my favorite comedian. I think he is hilarious. In this podcast, he tells the audience about himself and his future endeavors. He explains a few details about his personal life and how he is quite different from other comedians when it compares to his career. He describes of his new films that will be released in a few months. Kevin tells about his parents and what it was like growing up. As both an audience and a student, I think this podcast would be generally entertaining. It will make both the audience and a student laugh!
2. Podcast Title: Science Friday: Hr1
This podcast seemed very interesting to me. I love finding about new things and discovering different types of technology. In this podcast, they talk about developing an app for your smartphone that acts as a HIV test, finding lost cities, and the Mars Rover budget. These topics caught my eyes and my ears. They explain how you can conduct blood tests through your phone, discoveries of different cities resulted in lost explorers, and also NASA's rover budget for going on Mars. I think this podcast will attract those audiences that are science freaks or really into science. As a student, this would be entertaining if you're inquisitive or a science major.
3. Podcast Title: What's Tech: Snap Chat
This podcast was quite amusing to me. It explains what the App "Snapchat" is to audiences such as your mom. This was hilarious. They talk about everything that are tech savvy these days. This podcast describes about snapchat and it's features. I think both student and audience will like this because everyone uses apps on their phones and are literate of them.
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