StarTalk features Neil deGrasse who has different guest hosts who range from comedians, scientist, to celebrities, where he delivers a show that involves science and comedy in which they discuss physics, the environment, astronomy and life in the universe in general. The episode I picked was the latest podcast recorded, A Universe of Inspiration, where Neil and his co-host Lynne Koplitz discuss the human mind and how perception defers in artistic views.
I absolutely love StarTalk. Not only do I find in very interesting and well made by Neil deGrasse, but extremely useful and educational. Neil deGrasse is a brilliant man, and his knowledge influences many. His podcast allow his subscribers to not only think for themselves, but to better their knowledge in physics, the environment, earth and astronomy in general. Not only is in educational, but humorous as well.
I found StarTalk when I took an astronomy class in WCC with professor Paul Robinson, and have been subscribed ever since when I became fascinated with his class.
StarTalk, A Universe of Inspiration -
How Did This Get Made? is a comedic podcast I once came across after browsing the comedy section in iTunes nearly 5 months ago after I fell in love with the show The League, a comedy show on FX. It features Paul Scheer, Jason Mantzoukas and June Diane Raphael (cast members of The League).

If one watched Deep Blue Sea, they can get a chuckle from this episode. There is profanity, stupidity and possibly a waste of time listening, but I chose this episode because it is the silly humor that I love and that is why I subscribed to them to begin with. I enjoy their mean, funny remarks in their podcasts when they usually poke fun of other people, shows or movies.
The sound and quality is decent, and sometimes Paul Scheer reminds his listeners that he does not care if the quality of his show is good or not. The show is belligerent (hence the name of it), but it is also perfect.
How Did This Get Made?, 106 Deep Blue Sea -!-w/id409287913?i=338047831&mt=2
The last podcast I chose was StoryCorps, and my favorite podcast to listen to. This podcast involves individuals who interview random everyday people around the world to get to know them as a person. They are unscripted. Some stories are sad, while others are filled with joy.

Rick described to the interviewee that for the past 25 years he has been known as the person who was stupid enough to let to robbers in the museum, regardless of how well the robbers pulled it off. He has went on to say that the embarrassment has never left him, and that the FBI interrogated him for the first 10 years after the incident.
When Rick was tied up, he replayed the song I Shall Be Released by Bob Dylan for over 7 hours in his head until the police arrived
I appreciate this podcast because it is not long in length, and has a lot of meaning to it. I believe (like the Humans of New York) it allows people to have a say when no one else is listening. It opens our eyes and allows us to appreciate the people we meet as well as the people we walk by in the street, because we never know what they been through, or what secrets they may have hidden, too scared to tell the world. This podcast allows us to understand beneath the surface of one another.
StoryCorps, I Shall Be Released -
Great job - see Blackboard for your grade.