Monday, March 23, 2015

Cooking, Prank Calls & Photography

Start Cooking

The first podcast that I watched was a cooking podcast and it was a short video on how to make shrimp scampi. I chose this podcast because I’m interested in cooking and shrimp scampi is something that I don’t know how to make. I think this video was well-made in the sense that it was very direct with the directions and the ingredients. At the end, all of the ingredients are listed and shown which I thought was super helpful. I didn’t really like the way that the video was filmed, I thought the camera was a little blurry and there were too many cuts. However, I would definitely watch this again because it was a very short and clear way to learn how to make a nice dish.

Friday Night Cranks

This podcast was under the comedy category. Friday night cranks is something I’ve always thought was entertaining whether they were on TV, the internet, or the radio. They’re hilarious prank calls that people do in their basement and are recorded. The one that I chose to watch was a guy prank calling a Walmart and saying that he left his child inside in a picnic basket about 30 minutes before he called. He was passed along to several employees, most of which didn’t take him seriously, but by the end of the call he had the Walmart on a lockdown. It was entertaining but also a little dumb at the same time. This podcast wasn’t useful, but it was definitely entertaining and it’s something I would watch again.

The Art of Photography

This podcast was a photography podcast and the specific episode that I watched was called Photography: Truth vs Beauty. This podcast talked about  how in photogaphy there is a line between what is beautiful and what is truthful. The man in the podcast talked about how photographers will edit their photos so that they’re visually appealing, but sometimes they are not a truthful depiction of what the photo was before it was edited. I thought that this podcast was unique and made a very true and interesting point. It was useful in the sense that if I were looking at edited photos for a news station or a tv show, it would be interesting to be able to tell if the photo is exactly how it was taken or if it were edited to give any type of effect to its’ viewer. At first I thought that this podcast may be boring, however there was a video to it which included visuals that boosted its entertainment value. I enjoy photography but don’t know too much about it so this podcast may definitely be one that I visit again.

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