Sunday, February 8, 2015

STD Smart - Assignment #1

The blog/article I chose came from the website, I picked this website because I am a huge science nerd; anything about animals or science really does intrigue me. I love to learn because I truly feel that knowledge is power. The greatest thing about this blog, hands down, is the author's authority of voice. The author fact checks everything before she posts it and that gives me great trust in that what I am reading is scientific and accurate. A huge issue we deal with in regards to science in society today is that there are so many false medical claims and so many people claiming to be doctors or health gurus, when really, that is far from the truth. Another thing that makes this blog so great is that it is very informative, yet diluted enough for an average person to follow along; you don't need a PhD to enjoy these articles. It is science with a funny twist. 

This article has interactivity, photos, and print. I actually originally found out about this blog through Facebook, so every day I check it out and find something to like and share on my Facebook or twitter; seriously every day there is something that catches my attention. The option to comment is also important; and on this site it's not over abused and trolled by many people which can be something refreshing. This is mainly due, I think, to the fact that admins have the option to close the comment thread down. But if I have a question about something and I don’t want to email the author, (which is definitely still an option), I can ask in the comment section and get some helpful insight, or read up on views that differ from my own. I also like that you can stay on this website and read other articles, which are neatly organized by several categories of your choosing, on the right hand side of the site.

The author also includes a photo, which with most things scientific or technological, is of very high importance. Not only is a picture worth a thousand words, but visual aids help a lot, especially when an audience is reading something that they may not have such a strong suit in. The photo is at the very top so I don’t have to do a lot of scrolling to see first what I am working with, is a big plus. Also it is a decent sized photo that is detailed enough but isn't too huge that I am waiting eons for it all to fully load and ruin my reading experience. Also, the amount of ads can be annoying at times, but I guess the audience has to keep in mind that it costs money to make a site and keep it up and running; luckily I have not encountered any pop-up ads, because those are the absolute worst. 

The last aspect of multimedia I want to touch up on is the text/print part of the blog. I like the spacing between paragraphs, visually it makes the article seem less agonizing and like the reading flows nicely; set up really is important because if there is too much text for too long without a physical break in thoughts or ideas, it becomes like a chore to slave through. I do appreciate the simple layout that does not overwhelm me. The next part of the text I like is the way it is written by the author; like I said earlier, when you read these blogs from this website you will learn something; but it will not be too much for you to be able to keep up with and follow until the end.  It is light, well researched, well written, educational, yet fun to read and learn from. The author answers the who/what/where/when/why/how/so what/who cares questions in a quick manner. The target audience is of someone my age, how it can help me and work for me, what is to be created, how is it made, where and when the research took place, and why I should be caring about this scientific breakthrough. 

The one area of improvement I would point out would be to add more photos, a gallery of photos of the device from different angles, or a video of showing this incredible device in action. For me, one picture at the top of the page simply will not cut it. All in all, I think every blog and article is captivatingly entertaining, consistently educational, and dangerously addictive.

The link to the particular article I chose is:

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